Moments in Excellence

How can you live a happy and fulfilled life?

By following the philosophy of Stoicism, which teaches you how to focus on what is in your power and detach from what is not in your power. In this book, you will learn how to practice the stoic wisdom in your daily life, to become more calm, content and resilient. This book is not a dry theory, but a vivid guide that helps you master the art of stoic living. Read it and become your best self. The book impresses with numerous illustrations and pictures that convey the topic vividly. The pictures are printed in vibrant colors on high-quality paper.

659 Pages and over 155 colorful Images and Illustrations

Reading sample

History and Basics

Introduction to Stoicism: Discover the Foundations of Stoicism

Delve into the rich history and fundamental principles of Stoicism. Originating in ancient Greece, this profound philosophy was founded by Zeno of Citium around 300 BCE and later expanded by prominent figures such as Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. Learn how Stoicism offers a pathway to personal resilience, tranquility, and excellence through understanding the nature of our self and our place within it. Explore the key tenets of Stoic thought, including the practice of focusing on what we can control, the cultivation of inner peace, and the pursuit of wisdom and ethical living.


Daily Application for a Better Self

Practical Stoicism: Transform Your Life with Stoic Practices

Stoicism is not just a theoretical philosophy but a practical guide to living a fulfilling life. In this section, you will uncover how to integrate Stoic principles into your daily routine. Learn techniques for introspection, such as journaling and mindfulness, to foster self-awareness and personal growth. Discover how to navigate life's challenges with equanimity and grace, using tools like the dichotomy of control and negative visualization. By practicing Stoicism, you can enhance your resilience, improve your emotional well-being, and develop a deeper sense of purpose and contentment.


Impact on Modern Society

Lesser-Known Aspects of Stoicism: Unveiling the Hidden Influence of Stoicism

While many are familiar with the basics of Stoicism, few realize its profound impact on modern thought and society. This section explores the lesser-known facets of Stoic philosophy, including its contributions to contemporary psychology, leadership, and ethical decision-making. Discover how Stoic ideas have shaped modern cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and influenced notable thinkers and leaders. Learn about the Stoic emphasis on universal connectedness and how it can inform a global perspective in today's interconnected world. By understanding these deeper aspects of Stoicism, you can appreciate its enduring relevance and transformative power in our modern lives.


The Author

Tenzin C. Trepp is an author, writer, and mediator of ancient philosophy.

He leads the SIS – Stoic Institute of Switzerland, which specializes in the research and application of the wisdom of the Stoics, Neoplatonists, and other ancient schools. He studies and interprets ancient texts in the light of the modern world. The SIS operates the website, which deals with Stoic studies and regularly offers updates, articles, and podcasts.

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Print Book:, LuLu Press,, Ingram, Hachette, Nielsen and Bowker, Libri, Gardners.
E-Book: Google Play, Apple Books (App), Kobo, Barnes & Noble,, Scribd, Libri, Gardners, etc.
Audiobook: Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Soundcloud, Amazon Music
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Table of Contents

Chapters of the 659 Pages

Preface, Stoicism in general, Key principles, Stoic core, Misconception about “stoic”, The practical discipline, Famous stoics who never wrote, Stoicism underway, Stoicism’s luminaries, Roman legal system, Prosochē overview, Eupatheia, Excellence in the moment, Desires and aversions, Virtues of human excellence, Wisdom - Sophia, Courage - Andreia, Temperance - Sophrosyne, Justice - Dikaiosyne, Summum bonum or supreme ideal, Excellence with joy, Failure, Continuous self-questioning, Discipline, Distractions, Lethargy, Comfort zone, Hedonismus, Vices, Anger, Virtue general description, Eudaimonia, Good Flow, Fulfillment of what you do, Love and fascination, Gratitude and humility, Indifference, Judgments about things, Temptations, Wealth and poverty, Circumstances, Distractions, Resilience, Cosmic perspective, Do less, better, Never Relax?, Interconnectedness, Stoic sage, Impermanence of things, Death, Ethics and social life, Oikeiôsis, From self to others, Beyond materialism, Female Stoics, Stoic cosmopolitanism, Virtuous role models, Social life, Friendship, Social manners, Social expectations, Fame and reputation, Romantic love and partnership, Deep dive in Prosochē, Focus on the moment, Emotions, Emotional resilience, Fear and anxiety, Anger, Love, Pride, arrogance and shame, Sensations, Contemplation of thoughts, Reason and logic, Formal logic, Stoic paradoxes, Empirical observation, Comprehensive perception, Subjective construction, Objective truth, Dialectic and rhetoric, Education, learning and reading, Logos, the universal rationality, Time perception, Unconventional thinking, Science and finding objective truth, Nature, Physics, Accordance with nature, Gaia hypothesis, Cosmogony, Spherical earth, Natural order and cause-effect, Immensity of the universe, Optics, Nature and animals, Astronomy and cosmology, Love for nature, Religion, Superstition, Pantheism, A Tool for control, Rejecting the gods, Other spiritual cultures, Stoicism history, The founder, Zeno of Citium, The emperor, Marcus Aurelius, The slave, Epictetus, The man of state, Seneca, Equality advocate, Musonius Rufus, Universal reason, Chrysippus, Compared to other contemporary schools, Socrates on the influence on Zeno, Cynicism, Plato, Aristotle and the stoics, Decline of Stoicism, Modern times, Legal systems, Early Neo-Stoicism, Stoic Influence on renaissance humanism, 18th century, French and American revolution, Human rights, Modern reason, logic and science, Modern philosophy, etc.